Cyril Lignac dad: this famous ex of Gilles Lellouche with whom he was in a relationship

On June 28, Cyril Lignac became a father for the first time at 44 years old. A little boy named Léo, the fruit of his love affair with his partner Déborah. This happiness, the chef wanted to be sure to live it with the right person. Before starting his family, the star of Best Pastry Chef therefore took his time and multiplied relationships without finding the balance he was looking for to ensure a lineage. Until he meets Deborah in Saint-Tropez.

Before finding the one who would become the mother of his son, Cyril Lignac shared the life of several other women including Laurence Mentil, a companion in the shadows without whom the chef’s success would probably not be the same. Subsequently, Mercotte’s accomplice also had stories with great actresses, starting with Sophie Marceau. A romance of a few months which precedes the one he will experience in 2017 with Mélanie Doutey!

The idyll will not have exceeded six months but this time will have been enough to mark the spirits of the French. It must be said that Mélanie Doutey is one of the most talented actresses of her generation. Irresistible Clara Sheller in the series of the same name, she also distinguished herself in feature films by well-known directors such as Cédric Jimenez, Claude Chabrol, Nicolas Vannier and… Gilles Lellouche, her ex-companion.

Mélanie Doutey and Gilles Lellouche have long formed the glamorous couple of French cinema. The two actors even started a family together. In 2009, the actress gave birth to their only child, a little girl called Ava. Four years later, they announce their separation to the chagrin of the public. For the good of their family, Mélanie Doutey and Gilles Lellouche have remained on good terms. It is even a beautiful story of friendship that they have continued to maintain. So much so that the two exes have recently worked together since this breakup for the purposes of the film The Big Bath by Gilles Lellouche. A duo united forever!

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