Cyril Hanouna separated from Emilie: what his ex-girlfriend really had a hard time living because of him

Already three years since Cyril Hanouna separated from Emilie, the mother of his two children Bianca (11 years old) and Lino (10 years old). Since then, the two exes seem to keep good relations, especially for the good and the balance of their adorable toddlers. If they now each live separately, they have spent many years of love. But the lifestyle of the animator of Do not touch My TV (C8) changed everything…

Ten years ago, in November 2012, Cyril Hanouna spoke about his daily life with the family during an interview with our colleagues from the magazine Audience. “My secret is rest all weekend: I cut everything and enjoy my family“, had declared the brunette to the general public humor. At the time, he chained the projects and did not know where to turn. So much so that the beautiful Emilie had to stop him dead.She gave me an ultimatum about the radio. She told me clearly: ‘I don’t want you to do morning shows anymore. It’s finish ! You turn off the radio or I’ll give you a hard time’“, reported the star, amused. It must be said that living with a morning host remains very hard on a daily basis. “It’s very hard for her. She wakes up at the same time as me. The whole family is dependent on this rhythm“, he had conceded.

Since then, Cyril Hanouna has stopped the morning. He is still in charge of Do not touch My TV, where his son Lino has also made some notable appearances in recent months. It is a pure joy for him to see his son flourish on the air, in the footsteps of dad. Besides, at home, he never misses an opportunity to have fun with Bianca and Lino. “I’m kind of their friend. We don’t let go. We’re always together, always on the phone and it’s true that I’m more a friend than a father, but I think it works fine. They tell me more things, I have the impression that they manage to confide well“, he had declared to AirZen Radio last April. A role which then pushes Emilie to compensate: “Their mom is amazing. She does both. She has the authority, but she is also very friendly with them and it is thanks to her, as she frames them well that I can have even more fun with them (…). I think they are happy.” No doubt they are!

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