Cyril Hanouna relaunches the war and tackles Louis Boyard live on C8

Between Cyril Hanouna and Louis Boyard, war is literally declared. On November 10, the young 22-year-old deputy indeed attacked live in “Touche pas à mon poste”, one of the great leaders of Canal +, Vincent Bolloré. A criticism which annoyed Cyril Hanouna and which therefore generated a real clash. “Come down three floors Louis Boyard, you’re a deputy but you were a columnist here… You can say anything you want but why did you come then?” For example, he had launched Cyril Hanouna before calling him a “tocard”.

A few days after this clash, Cyril Hanouna apologized before recalling that Louis Boyard has always been happy to work on C8 and to be paid for his appearances. The 22-year-old has indeed received more than €6,000 thanks to his appearances on the channel, which has given him some visibility over the past two years.

Cyril Hanouna tackles Louis Boyard live
This Monday, November 21, 2022, Cyril Hanouna mentioned the fact that Donald Trump’s Twitter account was reactivated by Elon Musk, new boss of the social network. The host thus showed how much of an impact Elon Musk’s poll tweet, asking if the former president should return to the platform, had an impact since it was retweeted more than 230,000 times, liked more than 800,000 times and garnered more than 15 million votes. “15 million votes without messing around, when we see that there are deputies who are elected with 9000 votes” he launched, in direct reference to the number of votes obtained by Louis Boyard during his election as a deputy. A subtle tackle that spawned hilarity around the table on set.


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