Cyril Hanouna is recruiting for “TPMP”, the presenter of “Complément d’Enquête”!

On June 24, Cyril Hanouna bid farewell to his loyal viewers after a season of Do not touch My TV synonymous with audience records. Before going on vacation, the host had not failed to make some revelations about the back-to-school program. We were thus able to learn that the star of the PAF plans to make some changes to the appearance of the table but has also and above all planned to make changes to the schedule of its programs.

From next September, viewers could thus discover a brand new program hosted by Guillaume Genton And Isabelle Morini Bosc and this, from 6 p.m. What to generate the stop of the famous 6 to 7 where several columnists such as Valérie Benaïm, Benjamin Castaldi or even Bernard Montiel succeeded each other in the animation.

Of course, the major changes that we will discover at the start of the school year concern the composition of the team. If Matthieu Delormeau left Do not touch My TV with a bang last May, Benjamin Castaldi also announced his departure to fly off to new horizons. To replace them, a leading figure in politics: Ségolène Royal who will occupy the position of political columnist but also Alex Goude and Evelyne Thomas, two emblematic animators of the PAF.

Don’t touch my post: the name of a new recruit revealed
And while we thought the team was complete, the name of a new recruit was revealed this Friday, July 21, 2023. The newspaper Var Morning indeed reveals that Jacques Cardoze will join the band of Do not touch My TV on C8, where it will air twice a week. According to our colleagues, it is the famous presenter, known for having presented the program Further Investigation on France 2, who would have contacted Cyril Hanouna in person via social networks in order to integrate his team. The media also ensures that the two men would even have met to record the arrival of Jacques Cardoze in the TPMP team at the start of the school year.

This recruitment therefore promises to be a nice revenge for Cyril Hanouna who, last April, had fumed when he learned that France 2 will soon broadcast a number of Further Investigation dedicated to him after a long investigation into his rise and his working methods. “This Complementary Investigation, I’m telling you this evening, you’ll see, they’ll do it, it will be the end of the Complementary Investigation behind. Because I’m going to put my nose in it and you know that when I put my nose somewhere, I often blow everything up” he had launched with annoyance.

By appearing with Jacques Cardoze by his side from the start of the school year, Cyril Hanouna will also gain credibility, the journalist having covered major events such as the attacks in Madrid, the funeral of Yasser Arafat in Ramallah, the death of Jean-Paul II or Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and the war in Afghanistan.


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