Cyril Hanouna explains why Muriel Robin keeps silent about Pierre Palmade

Nearly a month after the terrible accident he caused while driving under the influence of drugs, Pierre Palmade was finally placed in pre-trial detention in Fresnes prison. A decision which results from a hearing at the Paris Court of Appeal which was held on Monday February 27, 2023 and during which the judges decided on the new fate of the 54-year-old comedian. Until now, Pierre Palmade was simply under house arrest with an electronic bracelet, despite the sad consequences of his actions.

If since February 10, 2023, the date of the accident, many personalities have spoken about the case, Muriel Robin, who is a very good friend of Pierre Palmade, has remained silent. A deletion that literally annoys Internet users… who do not hesitate to knock out the actress on social networks by pointing out her lack of courage to speak up. A few hours ago, they thus invaded with negative comments, her last Instagram post where she unveiled the trailer for her latest film entitled “The Chamber of Wonders” and directed by Lisa Azuelos.

This Wednesday, March 1, 2023, when he spoke of a new see the Palmade affair in his program “Touche pas à mon poste”, Cyril Hanouna came to the defense of the actress. “Muriel Robin, at one point she loves her friend but she can no longer forgive, at one point there she is in a thing where she is like all of us here, we loved Pierre Palmade very much, we all wanted to even when he is come, to help him, but at one point, it was a close friendship of 35 years that was shattered,” he said.

See also:

“She does not want to speak because she is extremely touched”
“She tried everything to get him out of his addictions, they even held meetings with relatives, with Pierre Palmade, they had held meetings to force him to go to treatment to force him to take treatment, because they were afraid for him, they were afraid that a tragedy would happen […] Muriel couldn’t do anything” he continued.

Witness to the many criticisms of Muriel Robin, the host did not fail to support her live on C8: “She is very touched morally, Muriel Robin, whom I kiss, because she has nothing to see in there and when I see on social networks, people who attack her, who put her in a sauce in which she is not at all, it drives me crazy, I find, it is inadmissible , it disgusts me, and I’ll tell you again, Muriel was thinking of her friend, and she organized meetings over and over again to tell him, ‘Pierre, it’s going to be a tragedy, you have to listen to us’; at some point she can’t be in her place”.

Finally, Cyril Hanouna recalled that Muriel Robin had gone to see her friend at the hospital when she heard of the accident: “She does not want to speak because she is extremely affected […] she thinks of the victims […] it’s decency, the priority is not that she expresses herself, it’s that the family gets better” he concluded.


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