Cyril Hanouna atomizes Matthieu Delormeau and it’s violent!

The atmosphere was there this Monday January 10, 2022 on the set of “Touche pas à mon poste”. Between Matthieu Delormeau and Cyril Hanouna, war is declared. The reason ? The famous chronicler has, once again, dared to attack Booba. If the French rapper is very popular with music lovers, it seems that Valérie Bénaïm’s sidekick has a lot of trouble with the artist. For his part, the troublemaker of the C8 is very friendly with the performer of the title “Mona Lisa”. It is therefore not surprising that the two colleagues did not manage to find common ground on the debate which animated the show.

As a reminder, B2O was censored on social networks after giving its opinion on the vaccination. A punishment that did not fail to make Internet users react. If some are up against this radical decision, others think that it is quite normal to restrict the word of the star. Such is the case of Matthieu Delormeau who believes that it is not because Booba is a recognized artist that he owns all the rights. To support his point of view, the young man did not hesitate to give a personal example. An egocentric choice according to Cyril Hanouna who very quickly put the chronicler back in place.

“Stop denigrating all the artists, he’s a very good friend of mine”, first launched the host before adding: “Stop saying bullshit.” An attack that Matthieu Delormeau did not appreciate at all. But the presenter of TPMP did not stop there. “Who cares about you, you always relate to you.” We talk about a story on social networks and you go out ‘Booba he told me that’ “, did he declare. Annoyed, the journalist therefore preferred to move on. Faced with Cyril Hanouna, the war was lost in advance.


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