Cyril Hanouna announces live that a famous host is suing him and threatening to “put a pie” on him!

Thursday, September 1, the team of Do not touch My TV on C8 returned to the intrusion of a youtubeur in Fort Boyard. Indeed, Max Von Croft, whose Youtube channel is devoted to his exploits of urbex (urban exploration of generally abandoned places, editor’s note), filmed himself at the top of this place located opposite the island of Oléron. This illegal entry earned him prosecution from Adventure Line Production. “With this complaint, our primary goal is to mark the occasion and above all to dissuade other people from having the same idea. We want to avoid potential tragedies in the future. We do not want to find a corpse in the strong”indicated the production, which also deals with Koh-Lanta, in the columns of the Parisian. “It’s unconscious. He could have fallen while climbing the wall. The phone does not pick up everywhere inside, if there had been a problem, no one would have known”.

A case that made Cyril Hanouna react. “I can’t stand people who sue at all costs”dropped the host before talking about his personal case. “No, but when I have a problem with a guy, I’ll see him nicely…”he continued before making a revelation in front of his columnists. “It’s like there, there is a host who is suing me, he says to me ‘disparagement, I don’t know what’…” What arouse the curiosity of Matthieu Delormeau and his comrades, who sought to know the identity of this man. “But no but no”replied Baba. “Come see me, we see each other in the worst case if it goes badly we have a drink or else I put him a pie… then after we move on”.

A method that can work… or not!

See also: Isabeau Delatour (The rest of the world) formalizes her relationship with a famous French humorist and close to Cyril Hanouna!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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