Divorced from Emilie, the mother of his two children, for a few years, Cyril Hanouna ensures that he is single each time his columnists question him about his love life. “I’m single right now. I’m telling you, I’m not into it. I’m in work, work, work, work… Out of respect for the people who were with me, for now really, I I say it, I remain single… for at least two years. Two years of celibacy” he proclaimed live in TPMP last winter.
Against all odds, the host of C8 declared a few weeks later that he was not single and did not have time for “free relations”… A strategy to try to cover his romance with one of his columnists? It has been several months since the rumor swells: Cyril Hanouna and Kelly Vedovelli would form a secret couple. Internet users have indeed noticed that the pretty blonde looks at her boss with “the eyes of love” and cannot help but give him fits of jealousy as soon as he talks about other women…
Cyril Hanouna and Kelly Vedovelli on a romantic vacation?
If Kelly Vedovelli offered herself a few days of vacation in Portugal at the beginning of the month with her friends, the rumor of her possible romance with Cyril Hanouna has just been relaunched. The Instagram account @tmzfrofficiel has indeed just pointed the finger at the fact that the two alleged lovebirds have, unwittingly, published photos in the exact same places. “The same famous villa in the south of France that we have been hearing about for a long time” explains the account.
The account administrator shared a photo of Kelly Vedovelli’s dog saying, “Do you recognize the cousins and the decor?”. In the photos shared afterwards, we notice that Cyril Hanouna shared photos with the same background, which proves that he is currently staying in the same house as the pretty blonde. We then discover that they also spent time in the same place “Who was in the same place at the same time since they spend the holidays together? They were at Passable Beach. Cyril Hanouna was seen with fans at Passable beach yesterday and Kelly was there too…”

Aliénor de la Fontaine