Cyril Hanouna: A boy attacks his daughter Bianca (11), the host forced to intervene

Do not touch My TV, it’s a bit like Cyril Hanouna’s baby. The host has been at the helm of the talk show for twelve years and a priori, the adventure is not going to end anytime soon. But the show is not the only thing he cares about in his life, far from it.

Next to her children, Bianca, 11 years old and Lino, 9 years old, TPMP not worth much. Rare are the times that Cyril Hanouna talks about his daily life with his two darlings in front of everyone on C8. But this Friday, March 18, listening to his daughter’s favorite music, he could not help but reveal an anecdote about her. In possession of a mobile phone like most children of her age, Bianca communicates with her friends on group conversations. One of his classmates, Yvan, slightly caused his father a problem.

She has a Whatsapp group with friends and I see that she is talking to a certain Yvan, told Cyril Hanouna to the chroniclers. He speaks with her, I say: ‘Hey, what are you saying to yourself?’ and at one point, he asks her: ‘Can I tell you something?‘”. The blood of Cyril Hanouna, dad hen, only made one turn and raised a slight discomfort: “I was not well“, he clarified before revealing the rest of the story. If talking to his daughter is obviously not forbidden, it is out of the question to treat her badly. Unfortunately for Yvan, that is what he has made : “I swear the story is true, on my children’s heads it’s true, the guy puts on him ‘BLC of you’, it means ‘Get your asses off'”. Cyril Hanouna could not contain himself and quickly told his four truths to his young interlocutor.

So here I put: ‘It’s the daron [père, ndlr] from Bianca. He does : ‘Yeah, that’s it’. I leave him a voice note: ‘Listen to me buffoon. Are you talking to Bianca like that? Do you want me to come to your house, smash your dad and your whole family?’” Yvan then understood that the person he thought was Bianca was none other than Cyril himself. Yvan’s tone immediately softened: “He makes me : ‘Oh is it Cyril? Oh, I love all your shows, you’re my favorite host!‘” Singing the praises of Cyril Hanouna worked. The host certainly did not endorse what Yvan had said to his daughter, but everything was finally back to normal: “We have become super friends with little Yvan by the way, I give him a kiss“Yvan should therefore not start again…

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