Cyril Féraud is a hit: the discreet host is seducing more and more

Viewers are used to seeing Cyril Féraud in the afternoon in slam on France 3 or as a bonus in his helicopter for The treasure map. Saturday September 24, the host who has never aged, made a bonus card on France 2! A success that goes hand in hand with another, that of family duel which replaces Numbers and letters.

Cyril Féraud (37) presented 100% logic: the answer is right in front of you last night. An incredible game that brought together 100 candidates at the start. All start with a prize pool of 1000 euros but in the event of a wrong answer, they are eliminated. The lost money will then inflate the final pot and allow the last participants to win perhaps 100,000 euros. This logic-based game is perfect for the whole family. “A 10-year-old child has as much chance of winning as an 80-year-old adult because, for each question, the answer is ‘before your eyes’, but you still have to see it!“, revealed the press release. It is perhaps for this, because all the members of the same family can play, that the program which had for guests Caroline Margeridon, Noom Diawara and Isabelle Vitari, attracted 2, 65 million viewers The market share reached 19.5% on the female commercial target An even more honorable score than that of the week before with The Champions Quizalso presented by Cyril Féraud, which attracted 1.94 million fans.

Definitely everything is successful for Cyril Féraud who has also taken over the historic box of numbers and letters with a game he invented himself, family duel. The principle is simple: for a whole week, two families from different regions compete in general culture duels. 2,000 euros are up for grabs every day and up to 5,000 euros on Fridays. A concept that appeals since the first issue was watched by 761,000 viewers, or 11.9% of the public aged four and over and 1.2% of Women responsible for purchases under 50 years old. A score higher than the channel’s average and better than the last season numbers and letters (614,000 viewers)

Cyril Féraud, very invested in his work, has already made it known that he wanted a child. A paternity which is not yet relevant but for which he is ready to put aside his activities. So he said in 2017:When you have a frantic work pace like me, it is important to set deadlines. I think that in three years maximum, I will be a dad. And if I have to slow down for that, I will.” Words from almost five years ago…

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