Cyprus: Pope Francis repatriates 50 migrants to Italy



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Pope Francis strongly denounced, Friday, December 3 in Cyprus, the treatment of certain migrants. For him, their fate recalls certain dark periods such as Nazism or Stalin’s dictatorship. He will bring back 50 migrants with him.

For 50 migrants from Cyprus, it is the end of the nightmare. The Vatican selected them to obtain the status of refugee in Europe. They will soon be leaving for Rome (Italy). Housing, care, training … They will be helped for years. I am so happy. I promise to make good use of this opportunity“, confides a Cameroonian migrant. African Catholics or Muslims from the Middle East, Pope Francis called for all faiths to be represented. The selection criterion is fragility.

In a church in Cyprus, during a ceremony ecumenical friday December 3, the Pope wanted these people to tell their dreams, their hopes. Pope Francis has attacked global indifference as 1,600 migrants have died this year at sea. “Getting used to this is a very serious illness”, declared the Sovereign Pontiff. The Pope recalled that no one is safe from leaving their land. Saturday in Greece, he will ask Northern Europe to show more solidarity with the Mediterranean countries.


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