Cyndie (Married at first sight) still traumatized by Jauffrey’s apartment and toilets!

Monday, June 13 was broadcast on M6the emission Married at first sight. In this new episode, Cyndie invited her husband, Jauffrey to spend a few days at her home in Grasse. Then it was the turn of the 37-year-old former swimmer to welcome his wife. And when she arrived, the beauty was unpleasantly surprised to find an apartment under construction or, as she so aptly put it, “a teenager’s apartment”.

On TwitterInternet users did not go with dead hands with the friend of Frédérick Bousquet and Florent Manaudou. “When I arrive at Jauffrey’s it was very embarrassing, I feel a little uncomfortable”she started. “He told me about his apartment. I also went through having to do some work when I bought my apartment. He had told me beforehand that he would do little things to repair his toilet, to mount furniture… So that I wouldn’t arrive in an apartment in that state. It was already very embarrassing because there was no toilet, for a woman it’s quite complicated. The course of the toilet as a couple is always a complicated moment. And when it doesn’t work…”

But the young woman was traumatized by what she saw. “I became disillusioned at that moment, I didn’t want to be mean but I saw at that moment the apartment of an immature man. As I was already asking myself questions beforehand about whether he was ready, that somewhat answers the questions I was asking myself”.

And besides, how did Cyndie do to relieve herself during her short stay in Marseille (the rest of which will be to be discovered next week). “We had a restaurant for lunch so that I could go to the toilet and concretely I peed in the shower before going to bed”she remembered with humor.

Monday, June 20, viewers will discover the balance sheet of the couple.

See also: Laure (Married at first sight): a €5,000 protocol to change your appearance, she reveals the “before/after”

Frederic Faussurier

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