Cyndie (Married at first sight): “Big anxiety” before her marriage to Jauffrey and big challenge

The wedding hour has come Jauffrey (39 years old, lifeguard, swimming coach and former top swimmer) and Cyndie (33 years old, beautician), 76% compatible. During the episode of Married at first sight 2022 of May 16, the two candidates finally met. Did the magic work?

Cyndie’s relatives quickly found that Florent Manaudou and Frédérick Bousquet were among the guests. They therefore wondered if the future groom was known and rejoiced in the fact that he was athletic. The Jauffrey’s mum was quick to make it clear that the bride-to-be should get along with her son’s friends, whom he considers a family. Jauffrey then arrived and, rather at ease, he quickly introduced himself to the candidate’s guests.

Meanwhile, Cyndie was on her way with her dad, with whom she has a very close relationship. She relied heavily on his opinion and upon arriving at the scene, she had a “very big anxiety. “Now my life is changing. I have crazy vertigo“, she specified. Régis then joined the assistance and as usual, he stood out for his outspokenness. He intended to tell Jauffrey “two-three words with a worrying look to put him in front of what he was going to do“. He asked her to respect his daughter and to respect himself, but with a smile.”I can feel it. I saw a little sparkle in his eyes. I think he is frank, kind and attentive“, he then clarified.

Then finally came the moment of the meeting and the love was immediate. His relatives were also seduced and found them cute together. Moved, Cyndie had a short telephone conversation with her mother, stranded in France because of a passport problem. The two candidates then said “yes” and quickly realized their compatibility on the way to the shoot. The photo session continued in joy, good humor and complicity. It looked like they had known each other for a long time. Jauffrey no longer lacked to know what his friends thought.

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