Cyndie and Jauffrey (Married at first sight): Sexual frustration and multiple disappointments

Jauffrey (39 years old, lifeguard, swimming coach and former top swimmer) and Cyndie (33 years old, beautician), 76% compatible, have been very close since they got married in front of their relatives. The humor is very present between the two candidates, enough to worry Pascal de Sutter who feared that they were just friends.

After having lived a beautiful honeymoon, they met in Grasse at Cyndie’s after six days of separation, during the episode of Married at first sight 2022 June 13, on M6. Because of the traffic jams, the Marseillais has took almost three hours to arrive at his wife’s house, which made him wonder about the distance between them. But he forgot everything when he found the beautiful brunette, who had prepared for the occasion. No embarrassment or intimidation between them, they had the impression that they were still on their little cloud. So it was with butterflies in their stomachs that they went to bed. A short-lived happiness.

We didn’t have an intimate relationship. I’m a bit disappointed“, entrusted Cyndie the following day. But she didn’t broach the subject with Jauffrey. She therefore had the objective of doing everything to please him and move up a gear. But in the evening, Jauffrey quickly went to bed and therefore left his wife to watch the end of the film alone. “At the time, I do not understand at all why we did not take advantage of this evening. The I feel like we’ve been together for ten yearshe gives me a kiss and he goes to bed, I arrive and he snores“, she regretted. Then she explained that she would have liked at least that he invites her to come to bed with him to be with her. “I’m a bit lost. I am disappointed, there were not the exchanges that I expected“, continued the young woman. She therefore expected a lot from his visit to his home in Marseille two weeks later.

Owner recently, it was still under construction. He did everything to make her as comfortable as possible, but everything was not perfect. The toilets in particular were broken, enough to bring her down one floor. Cyndie was further disappointed to discover that he had planned a DIY activity for him rather than a walk. But again, she said nothing and accumulated resentment.

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