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Hurricane Freddy never stops coming back on its way and regaining strength. The UN assures that it could become the longest cyclone ever recorded.
This is the second time he hits the same place. Winds at 150 km/h and flooded streets, cyclone Freddy is sweeping Mozambique again, three weeks after its first passage. “It’s chaotic. I will have to find a way for my house with zinc plates, so that I can survive”says Abibo Siade, a resident of Quelimane (Mozambique).
Record longevity
The cyclone has record longevity and an unpredictable trajectory. Formed in northern Australia more than a month ago, it crossed the Indian Ocean, before reaching Madagascar on February 21, then Mozambique on February 24. For the past week, it has been returning to these two areas . Today, 100,000 Mozambicans are still without electricity. 11 deaths are to be deplored, and 17 in Madagascar. Freddy has been ravaging the coasts of the Indian Ocean for 24 days, a duration rarely observed by meteorologists.