cyberbullying also affects adults



Article written by

F.Mathieux, G.Le Goff, O.Pergament – France 3

France Televisions

There is no age to be bullied on social media. Two victims testify in the 19/20.

Messages of hate sent behind a screen. Insults uttered anonymously through social networks. The phenomenon is massive. Women and minorities are particularly targeted. Maxime has been a victim of this online violence for eight years. One evening on Twitter, he denounces an extreme right, racist and homophobic account. Hell begins for him with insults about his homosexuality, his physique, then after death threats.

Maxime ended up filing a complaint and the investigation is still ongoing. Hidden behind pseudonyms, stalkers are difficult to identify and to unmask them, social networks do not always play the game, especially Twitter. Cyberbullying is now punishable. If the victim is over 15 years old, the author of the threats faces up to two years in prison and a fine of 30,000 euros.

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