Cyberbullying: a college in the Landes trains its students against bullying



Article written by

F.Griffond, F.Bazille, A.Stauch, A.Tranchant – France 2

France Televisions

According to an Ipsos survey Sopra Steria for France Televisions and Radio France, 36% of French people fear harassment on social networks. Young people are the main targets. In a middle school in the Landes, students learn not to let things go.

No matter where they are, students are not immune to cyberbullying. Often, these are insults that they receive on their mobile at any time after the end of the course: “you’re not beautiful”, “you’re fat, go on a diet”, “slut”. In a middle school in the Landes, twelve student delegates were trained against cyberbullying in order to make the link between the classmate and the adults.

These students rely on their experience because many are old cyberbullied. “I experienced this kind of problem in 6th grade. I was a whore because I had taken forms”, says a teenager. In this college, the establishment feels concerned by the problem. Students are regularly informed about the subject in class or with facilitators. Through sessions, they learn, for example, how to react in the event of a problem and who to talk to about it.

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