Cyberattacks: Corbeil-Essonnes hospital hacked by hackers


France 3

Article written by

T. Cuny, V. Meyer, B. Thomas, A. Remond, N. Salem, L. Hauville – France 3

France Televisions

The Corbeil-Essonnes hospital is paralyzed by a cyberattack, which began on Sunday August 21. A ransom is demanded by the hackers, and the white plan has been triggered.

Monday August 22, the Corbeil-Essonnes hospital (Essonne) is still the target of a massive cyberattack. The white plan has been triggered. This piracy causes many inconveniences to the establishment and to the patients.There, I came to be examined, to have a scanner appointment, and in the end the scanner did not work, it was postponed to a few days”laments a patient. Despite these postponements, the emergency rooms are still open. To put an end to this delicate situation, the hackers would claim 10 million dollars.

The hackers targeted the hospital’s sensitive information.Their objective is to paralyze the establishment. That is to say, the establishment could no longer operate its software and then they tried to attack the data“, explains Gilles Calmes, director of the Center Hospitalier Sud Francilien. This kind of cyberattacks, targeting hospitals, are becoming more and more widespread. An investigation has been opened by the Paris National Prosecutor’s Office.

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