cyanobacteria prevent swimming




Article written by

P. Didier, France 3 Regions, Y. Lecuyer – France 3

France Televisions

Bathing bans take place in many bodies of water. High temperatures favor the proliferation of bacteria, which are dangerous for human beings. They are deadly to animals. This is a blow for the municipalities in the middle of the tourist season.

To Verruyes (Two Sevres)the lifeguard remained on technical unemployment for two weeks. The lake was damaged due to the presence of cyanobacteria, toxins released by algae under the effect of heat. Same situation at Cublize (Rhone)with a beach barricaded by iron railings. A dozen years ago, elected officials anticipated the effects of global warming on the natural lake and therefore had an 8,000 m2 biological basin dug.

People can therefore bathe in the waters of the network, filtered by aquatic plants. No risk of catching gastro, but you have to pay. This summer, there is not a nautical base that is not threatened by algae. On the Loire, a dozen platforms broadcast ultrasound to thwart bacteria, to prevent them from developing. But this technology has a cost for the municipality: 100,000 euros, but it is much less than the loss of earnings linked to the closure of the body of water.

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