customers fight for a free offer of nuggets in a new fast food restaurant

To celebrate its opening, the fast-food had promised 200 free meals at 200 first arrivals.

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Customers fought on Saturday afternoon to take advantage of a free offer of nuggets offered by a new fast food restaurant in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), reports France Bleu Alsace, Sunday September 25. The scene took place in the district of the port of the Rhine of the Alsatian city.

To celebrate its opening, the fast-food had promised 200 free meals to the first 200 arrivals. In the very long queue, the tone rose. At least two customers came to blows, according to the first elements. “Witnesses” evoke “the use of a Japanese sword” during the fight, indicates a police source to France Bleu. Checks are still ongoing. CCTV cameras in the area will be used by investigators.

The police intervened quickly, but the perpetrators of the disturbances had already left the scene. The area was secured and calm returned around 5 p.m. An investigation has been opened.

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