custody of Aminata Diallo and one of her relatives lifted

Police custody of PSG player Aminata Diallo and one of her relatives were lifted Thursday, November 11, France Bleu Paris learned from the Versailles prosecutor’s office, confirming information from RTL. At this stage, no charge against them as part of the investigation opened for willful violence in a meeting, with weapon and premeditation after the assault of another player of the club, Kheira Hamraoui, last Thursday near Chatou (Yvelines) .

“There is not enough evidence against Aminata Diallo to allow her to be brought before a judge and prosecution”, explains the prosecutor of Versailles, Maryvonne Caillibotte, to France Bleu Paris.

“We still have a lot to check to determine the roles of each in this matter.”

Maryvonne Caillibotte

at France Bleu Paris

That of the player but also that of his friend, detained in Lyon and extracted from his cell for the investigation. His police custody is also lifted.

Last Thursday, after an evening organized by PSG, Aminata Diallo had accompanied Kheira Hamraoui home by car. On the road, the latter had been extracted from the vehicle by two individuals who notably hit her with an iron bar on the legs. Aminata Diallo had been surrounded by the attackers. Injured, Kheira Hamraoui could not play Tuesday against Real Madrid in the Champions League. It is Aminata Diallo, who plays in the same position as her, who had therefore been established in her place.

Midfielder Aminata Diallo had been auditioned for 36 hours and her arrest at her home in Marly-le-Roi (Yvelines) on Wednesday morning. The investigation and the hearings will continue to try to determine what really happened and while the two attackers are still wanted. During their custody, Aminata Diallo and her friend collaborated with investigators and answered questions, but they disputed any involvement in the assault. The man also denies having made other calls to other PSG players from his cell even if the records of a cell phone found in his possession show them.

“Paris Saint-Germain takes note of the release of Aminata Diallo at the end of his police custody”, indicates Thursday evening the club in a press release, specifying to stay “alongside its players to enable them to overcome this ordeal and quickly regain serenity”. “Paris Saint-Germain reiterates its confidence in justice to shed light on the events. The Club thanks everyone for showing restraint, for respecting the presumption of innocence and the privacy of the team.”

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