Cudot, in the shadow of Saint Alpais, the patron saint of astronauts.

The chestnut tree bar.

“The chestnut tree bar” or the bar in the square is an essential place in the life of the village of Cudot.

Chestnut bar in Cudot © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Serge Poirier welcomes you there and also offers a grocery and tobacco service.

Serge Poirier, owner of the chestnut tree bar in Cudot
Serge Poirier, owner of the chestnut tree bar in Cudot © Radio France
Karine Decalf

Cudot Church

Church of Cudot
Church of Cudot © Radio France
Karine Decalf

This historical monument of 12th century houses the tomb of Sainte-Alpais which was the object of pilgrimage for centuries. It is also in this church that the Saint received her visitors such as Queen Adèle, mother of Philippe Auguste in 1180 and 1200.

Recumbent figure of Sainte Alpais, church of Cudot
Recumbent figure of Sainte Alpais, church of Cudot © Radio France
Karine Decalf

In the following centuries, the reputation and the worship of Alpais spread throughout Europe and many people came to pray at his tomb, Henri IV went there in 1603.

Funerary stele church of Cudot
Funerary stele church of Cudot © Radio France
Karine Decalf

It also houses the funerary steles of many lords of Cudot.

Guylaine Dechambre and “The Leaders of Sainte Alpais”

In Cudot, the couple Guylaine and Patrick Dechambre dominates the team in endurance under the colors of “Leaders of Sainte Alpais” .Crowned recently and for the 3rd year champions of France endurance with Story de Marlemont and Sublime de Marlemont, their 2 horses.

The Barra Bread

Bruno Barra is a pastry baker in Charny and invented the “Barra Bread” to revive villages that have lost their bakery.

Bruno Barra in front of Barra Pain de Cudot
Bruno Barra in front of Barra Pain de Cudot © Radio France
Karine Decalf

The Barra Bread is a distributor of artisanal baguettes and brioches made by a real baker!

The interior of Barra Pain, a vending machine for baguettes and brioches
The interior of Barra Pain, a vending machine for baguettes and brioches © Radio France
Karine Decalf

A real blessing for small villages like Cudot, which had lost their bakery more than 10 years ago.

Sainte Alpais and the miraculous fountain of Cudot

Sainte-Alpais is a young shepherdess who lived in Cudot in the 13th century. She was affected by a skin disease at the age of 20 and rejected by the population, she took refuge near a fountain whose water healed her wounds.

Painting representing Sainte Alpais, church of Cudot
Painting representing Sainte Alpais, church of Cudot © Radio France
Karine Decalf

His healing was then considered a true miracle. After his death, around 1211, a priory was built over his tomb, of which only the church remains today, which keeps his relics.

Miraculous fountain of Sainte Alpais in Cudot
Miraculous fountain of Sainte Alpais in Cudot © Radio France
Karine Decalf

In the following centuries, the reputation and the worship of Alpais spread throughout Europe and many people came to pray at his tomb. Canonized in 1874even today people come to fetch water from the fountain to cure skin diseases.

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