Cuban caregivers to the rescue in Guingamp?


Video length: 2 min

Hospital crisis: Cuban caregivers to the rescue in Guingamp?

Hospital crisis: Cuban caregivers to the rescue in Guingamp? – (France 2)

The shortage of doctors is, in places, considerable in France, notably at the Guingamp hospital, in Côtes-d’Armor. The hospital is considering calling on Cuban doctors, but only a decree from the French government can authorize this.

Will the Cuban ambassador save the Guingamp hospital (Côtes-d’Armor)? To deal with the shortage of cardiologists, gynecologists or surgeons, the solution seems obvious: call on Cuban doctors. In Guingamp, due to lack of staff, many services close occasionally each year. “Occasionally, it can be a springboard to think about something more lasting”estimates Virginie le Thuaut, unionized operating room nurse.

Cuban caregivers present during Covid

Cuba is ready to bring its many doctors to France, but only a decree from the French government can give it the green light. In June 2020, in the midst of the Covid pandemic, Martinique welcomed a delegation of 15 doctors, who came to relieve the teams on site. They stayed three months before returning to Havana. But in Italy, Cuban doctors have no intention of leaving. In the south of the country, in Calabria, nearly 500 doctors were called in for reinforcements.

source site-14