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Off the coast of Mexico, in Cuba, tourists are gradually returning after two years of the epidemic, to lie on the golden beaches of the coast. Beaches that are shrinking under the effect of erosion and rising waters.
Some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Cubaits transparent waters, its white sand, its all-inclusive hotels at the edge of the water, the postcard is always perfect. And after almost two years in slow motion due to the pandemic, tourists are timidly making a comeback. For vacationers, Varadero is a small paradise in winter. But most are unaware that this very famous beach, on which they come to decompress, is actually half contrived.
A strip 20 meters wide was replenished two years ago. Cuba is hit hard by global warming and rising sea levels. The island hopes to find its 4 million annual visitors before the health crisis. Several new hotel complexes will soon be ready to welcome them. To refuel, we must therefore save the beaches. A national plan has been in place for 4 years to fight against rising waters.