Cuba: a historic luxury hotel devastated by an explosion in Havana


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The toll of the explosion in a hotel from Havana to Cuba, Friday, May 6, escalated further, killing at least 22 people and injuring more than 50. The first four floors of the luxury host historical Saratoga were blown away.

VFriday, May 6, around 11 a.m., an historic luxury hotel Saratoga and its two restaurants, right in the center of the Cuban capital, have summer devastateds by a poweryoue explosion. The facade of the hotel was blown up on several floors, the rooms ripped open, the ceilings collapsed. A thick cloud of smoke escapes from the building under the eyes of the panicked inhabitants.

The hotel has been under construction for two years, it did not house any customers, but workers and employees. Some victims are transported to a nearby hospital, their relatives fearing the worst. The explosion killed at least 22 people and injured more than 50. According to the Cuban presidency, it was a gas leak, caused by a tanker truck, which would have triggered the disaster. With precaution, the firefighters extracted the machine from the debris, Friday at the end of the afternoon.

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