CSN union members accept the agreement in principle on childcare centers

The 11,000 CPE workers affiliated to the CSN’s Federation of Health and Social Services 93% adopted the agreement in principle reached last Wednesday between the government and their representatives, the union central announced.

“This decision thus puts an end to the indefinite general strike that the members of the CSN had been carrying out since the 1er last December, ”wrote the CSN in a press release sent Sunday morning, after two days of general meetings.

This is a round of “historic negotiation”, wrote the representative of the CPE sector, Stéphanie Vachon, who underlines that the union has made “several advances thanks to the solidarity and determination” of its members.

Qualified educators and specialized educators saw their salaries increase by 18%. The increases were from 8% to 12.5% ​​for other workers, while “the government initially offered only 6%”.

“In addition, the members of the FSSS-CSN will also obtain a recognition bonus equivalent to 3% of the remuneration for hours worked between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021,” notes the union.

The four organizations representing workers in early childhood centers, namely the FSSS-CSN, the FIPEQ-CSQ, the SQEES-FTQ and the Métallos-FTQ, had all reached an agreement with Quebec, on Wednesday, one after another.

The Fédération de la santé et des services sociaux initially announced the return to work on Monday, although members had not yet spoken on the agreement, before modifying the message to indicate that the return would ultimately depend on the outcome of the vote. , which is now done.

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