Crumbling heritage | The duty

How sad to read in The duty of May 24 the article on the non-progress of the necessary work at the historic Chapel of the Good Shepherd following the fire of May 25, 2023! The least we can say is that we are not good at maintaining our heritage, which is being demolished little by little. Churches, heritage houses and old businesses are disappearing from our landscape to be replaced by rows of often very ugly houses, or by office or housing towers that all look the same. When we see the extent to which countries like France take care of their cultural heritage by protecting and renovating it, often with teams of volunteer citizens, we can wonder about our indifference to this systematic demolition enterprise. While advertisements for new car models tell us that they will allow us to “find our true nature”, we risk losing it completely by blithely getting rid of our built heritage. There are certain efforts being made, but they are clearly insufficient, and the responses obtained by those who insist on denouncing abuses are slow in coming and are bogged down in often incomprehensible bureaucratic standards.

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