Crucial day to elect a “speaker” to the American Congress

Will the American Congress finally have a “speaker” on Wednesday? The Republicans are organizing a series of elections to try to put an end to the historic chaos they have caused for more than a week in one of the most powerful parliaments in the world.

The removal, on October 3, of Republican Kevin McCarthy from the perch of the House of Representatives, by members of his own party, suspended the main powers of this institution.

It makes it impossible for Congress to release any additional aid to Israel, a historic ally of the United States, after Hamas’ surprise offensive on Saturday. Or a new envelope for Ukraine invaded by Russia, under discussion for weeks.

Conservatives met at 10 a.m. with the hope of ending this unprecedented vacancy.

Scalise vs. Jordan

Republicans have had a majority in the House since January, making them responsible for electing its speaker.

But the “speaker” in office for nine months has fallen – victim of extremely strong tensions between moderate elected officials and Trumpists in the party.

Republicans have since been unable to agree on a successor.

Two candidates are vying for the perch:

On one side, group leader Steve Scalise, 58, member of the hard right, who suffers from blood cancer.

“It’s really, really important that Congress gets back to work,” he said just before the meeting.

On the other, the pugnacious Jim Jordan, a year his senior, at the head of the House Judiciary Committee. This elected official is close to Donald Trump, whose sponsorship he has already won.

Neither of these two men has, as it stands, enough support to be elected head of the House of Representatives. A series of votes is organized on Wednesday to decide between them. But it is not impossible that another name will emerge during this process which promises, once again, to lay bare the divisions among the Republicans.

Biden urges action

After agreeing on a name internally – which could take a few hours… or a few days – the candidacy of a possible “speaker” will be submitted to a vote organized in plenary session, in the chamber of the Chamber.

Joe Biden’s party is in the minority in the House and therefore mainly spectators of the chaotic negotiations in Congress.

The Democratic president urged Congress to take, as soon as it is able, “urgent measures” to “fund the national security imperatives of our partners.”

Without a “speaker”, the American Congress cannot vote on a new budget for the federal state either. The latter expires in a handful of weeks, once again placing the world’s leading economic power in danger of political-financial impasse.

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