Crossfire against academic freedom bill

Bill 32 on academic freedom, intended to counter censorship on campuses, hits a wall in the National Assembly. This flagship measure of the Legault government is the subject of criticism from professors, students, rectors and opposition parties, who denounce a “threat to the autonomy of universities”.

Higher Education Minister Danielle McCann said Tuesday morning that she was open to amending the bill while remaining firm on the need to address all subjects, even those that may shock, in a university context.

“I am in a mode of openness and collaboration. If it is necessary to improve this bill, we will certainly do so, but on the principle, on the protection of academic freedom and the end of self-censorship, we are categorical: there will be no compromise “, she declared during the detailed study of the text.

“The development of critical thinking and informed judgment can only take place if the university community upholds the principles of academic freedom. We believe that students have the right to a quality education in an environment conducive to learning, discussion and debate,” said the Minister of Higher Education.

Opposition MPs welcomed Danielle McCann’s openness to changing course, because important elements of the bill are denounced by all network players. “I’m not sure she would get the passing grade,” said supportive MP Alexandre Leduc.

The Quebec Student Union (UEQ), the National Federation of Quebec Teachers (FNEEQ-CSN) and the Quebec Federation of University Professors (FQPPU) particularly deplore section 6 of the bill, which opens the door to intervention by the minister to force establishments to comply with the law.

Minister McCann stressed the need to act to prevent abuses such as the Lieutenant-Duval affair, this lecturer at the University of Ottawa who had been suspended for having mentioned the n-word in an academic context, in fall 2020.

Further details will follow.

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