[Critique] “You are an animal”, Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard

Premiered at the Théâtre de Quat’Sous last January, Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard’s most recent play imagines the shock wave that the publication of The origin of species (1859), by Darwin. Driven by a gigantic media tidal wave, where everyone gives in to the “urgency” to take a stand, the theory of evolution and natural selection arouses the ire of both nonchalant and militant, humanists and terrorists, wokes and conspiracy theorists, anti-globalizationists and politicians. Only the capitalists see in this storm the perfect opportunity to achieve maximum profits. Won over to their cause, Darwin concludes: “The truth belongs to the era of paper newspapers. Here, now, the true and the false sing in harmony. The more vague it is, the more the world talks about it. We find in this fake documentary theater the sharpness of observation, the intellectual rigor and the humor proper to the author, as well as a cynicism that leads to despair.

you are animal


Jean-Philippe Baril Guérard, Your mother, Montreal, 2023, 176 pages

To see in video

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