[Critique] “The Sisters’ Book”, by Amélie Nothomb

“Two souls discovered each other and resonated in each other. Two planets aligned so exactly that arose, audible only to these children, a music that was never to be muffled. A tribute to her older sister Juliette, without whom she claims she would have gone wrong, this tale of fusional love between Tristane, a prodigious but dull little girl, and her younger sister, Laetitia, just as brilliant, minus the blandness, carries well the mark of Amélie Nothomb. After the moving first blood, where she gave the floor to her late father, the novelist explores with the same brilliance the universe of childhood, where feelings are expressed without half-measure through beautifully chiseled dialogues. Born of insignificant parents, who love each other with a love that leaves no room for them, cherished by their inept aunt and her terrible children, the sisters will have only themselves to go through comical, cruel and tragic ordeals. A fiery hymn to sisterly love in which the author reveals the scars of her youth.

The sisters book

★★★ 1/2

Amélie Nothomb, Albin Michel, Paris, 2022, 202 pages

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