[Critique] “The secondary roots”, Vincent Fortier

After Natural phenomena (Hashtag, 2020), a remarkable booklet on the loss of love, Vincent Fortier is back with secondary roots, a more substantial and ambitious novel, a letter to the deceased father who cleverly mixes genres: testimony and journalism, fiction and biography, quotes and photos. The author is a work of memory and transmission by delivering a vibrant tribute to the Montreal gay community, so resilient in the face of multiple forms of persecution. To reconcile with himself, Philippe, 33, undertakes a pilgrimage in the footsteps of Maurice, this uncle, gay like him, whose existence he has ignored for too long. From the 1970s to today, from the electrifying streets of Montreal to the majestic forests of Alaska, the destinies of the two men intersect, shed light in various and very moving ways. “Everything starts from the roots, from the origins, but the message passes through the secondary roots and the rootlets, which are finer, extend further. »

secondary roots


Vincent Fortier, Del Busso editor, Montreal, 2022, 192 pages

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