[Critique] “The old calendar of a love”, Andreï Makine

From the shores of the Black Sea in 1913 to the alleys of a cemetery in Nice in 1991, Valdas, the son of a Russian aristocrat, tried to resist oblivion without yielding too much to “the indifferent logic of dead “. Caught between the fire of the Russian revolution and that, sometimes more burning, of the first love emotions, the Stendhalian hero of The old calendar of a love, the twentieth novel by Andreï Makine — the most Russian of French writers — tells us about his tumultuous life. He whose homeland was the “field of the last ears of corn”, the scene of a brief but eternal love affair with Taïa, a young Gypsy from Yalta who died tragically in his arms. After taking the road to exile, the veteran of the White Army will become a taxi driver in Paris, designer for an architectural firm and resistance fighter, still unable to free himself from his loyalty to ghosts. The author of French will takes us on a telescoped and romantic crossing of the XXe century.

The old calendar of a love

★★★ 1/2

Andreï Makine, Grasset, Paris, 2023, 198 pages

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