[Critique] “The Man from Rio — The Magnificent. Original soundtracks of Philippe de Broca’s films »

This wonderful collection of remastered soundtracks continues to thrill us. Here we are again in Rio in 1963 with the handsome Adrien (Jean-Paul Belmondo) to the rescue of his lover Agnès (Françoise Dorléac), immersed in a sacred samba of breathless adventures, Tintin-style in a more adult way. We follow them with the grace of a soundtrack by the master Delerue, where the Brazilian percussion accentuates the suspense and the orchestrations worry as much as they cheer up. Claude Bolling serves Philippe de Broca and his Bébel no less skilfully in The magnificent : there is funk, jazz and jerk (Pop Mod) in his junk exoticism, and Bolling does not hesitate to play it Xavier Cugat if necessary (mexican paradise, divine cha-cha). In 1973, we no longer play in lace. We rediscover with delight the great overplayed momentum of the Concerto for piano, killers and orchestra. The playboy hero makes masses of them, and the composer follows the actor-stuntman in the expense. Double treat.

The man from Rio



Soundtracks of the films of P. de Broca, Panthéon/Decca/Universal

To see in video

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