[Critique] “The journey of a smuggler”, Gilles Garand

The title says everything there is to say about this new album by Gilles Garand, The path of a ferryman, folklorist who, for half a century, carried and defended our musical heritage, here surrounded by those who take up his torch, starting with his son Alexandre de Grosbois-Garand, flautist, singer and director of the album. The patriarch brings together compositions that are dear to him, from the first reel he learned on the violin (Hangman’s reelin the opening), through a trio of pieces by Louis “Pitou” Boudreault (The jitter to Celina/Aunt Alfreda/the thresher), with whom he shared the stage on November 21, 1975, during the legendary Vigil of Vigils, filmed for posterity by Bernard Gosselin for the NFB. With his six accompanists, Garand offers versions faithful to tradition, interpreted with eloquence and emotion, particularly on Tribute to Dorothy (by Philippe Bruneau) and The disease is the companiesthe mature and noble voice of Gilles Garand paying homage to the committed text.

Click here for an excerpt.

The journey of a ferryman

★★★ 1/2


Gilles Garand, independent

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