[Critique] “The crisis of the modern world”, René Guénon

Released three years before Civilization malaise by Sigmund Freud, this hard-hitting critique of the Western world by René Guénon caused a stir at the time, taking an uncompromising look at the ruins of post-war Europe 1914-1918. Iconoclastic and eclectic thinker whose work could strongly influence Antonin Artaud, Simone Weil and André Breton, René Guénon (1886-1951) denounced in 1927 what seemed to him to be the “mental imbalance” of his time and the excesses of the modern world. . If he calls in The crisis of the modern world, once again republished, the spiritual traditions of the Orient – which seem to him superior in many respects to those of the West -, the French thinker delivers there above all a criticism of Western hegemony, of the idea of ​​progress and even democracy. The author castigates in particular the materialism of his time, which has only grown since then, to reach, in our world which is also in crisis, proportions which would surely seem unimaginable to him. To question yourself.

The crisis of the modern world

★★★ 1/2

René Guénon, Allia, Paris,​ 2022, 176 pages

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