[Critique] “Schubert Revisited”, Matthias Goerne and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie

It is an old fantasy to see the most beautiful melodies of Schubert, or others, being able to reach concert halls beyond the increasingly restricted circle of lieder lovers. A composer understood this very well: Detlev Glanert, with his orchestrations of melodies by Brahms. Schubert Revisited, of the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie (without a conductor), therefore has a major impact at the start of the year. The skillful orchestrations are by Alexander Schmalcz, professor at the Leipzig Conservatory. They adorn and color the melodies without burying the singer. But the collective ecstasy over this CD does not excuse the equally collective stupidity and amnesia of the musical world, since all this has existed for a very long time without crossing the barrier of concert programmers: Liszt and Berlioz orchestrated Erlkönig, while Reger, Mottl or Weingartner worked on a whole series of them that Hermann Prey recorded in two LPs in 1977 and 1978. RCA has been sleeping on this treasure for 40 years without reissuing it on CD! Welcome, then, to Matthias Goerne.
Click here for an excerpt.

Schubert Revisited

★★★★ 1/2


Mr. Goerne, Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, DG 483 9758

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