[Critique] “Sail On Sailor 1972”, The Beach Boys

And here we are rewarded, in return for a donation, with six more discs for the continuation of the story, both very simple and complicated, of the Beach Boys. Where are we ? In 1972; the title says so. Where are the Beach Boys? A little lost. Between them. In the time. And somewhere in Brian Wilson’s head. If the previous box, Feel Flowsfluidly completed the sixties, Sail On Sailor is the chronicle of excesses. Carl Wilson offers himself his own solo ocean, retro before the appellation contrôlée: a Carl… And The Passions, of which we obtain here genesis, essays, variants. In this jumble, we are surprised to discover a good diverted Beach Boys. During this time, the tours continue well, the group tries out a more contemporary rock, where it is the replacements – Ricky Fataar, the future Stig O’Hara of the Rutles, and Blondie Chaplin – who shine. It’s not very Beach Boys, but very good. The journey leads us haphazardly to holland, brilliant album of a refreshed group. Erratic or not, the course is exciting.

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Sail On Sailor 1972



The Beach Boys, UMe

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