[Critique] “Precipice Fantasy Part. I, Kudlam

French electronic musician Koudlam is making a phenomenal comeback. After a break of several long years, he offers with his latest album, Precipice Fantasy Part. Imore refined sounds, more enigmatic too, than what we knew of him until then, like the nonetheless excellent and chaotic vestiges of the past that are See You All, Love Song (2009) and Alcoholic’s Hymns (2011). Since Koudlam has lost none of its brilliance, on the contrary, it takes us this time on a distant, almost surreal sensory journey. A true illusionist, he plunges us into the twists and turns of his thunderous creations, transports us to a fantastic world where retrofuturistic electronic music and another, decidedly more organic, tinged with dark wave, grunge and folk meet. We then go from a raw melancholy filtered through a kaleidoscope with Old Feeling, Am I Paranoid III and River to a grand orchestrated dissonance, as with A new start, Grave for a Dolphin and MyChurch. When will the “Part II” of the disc be released?

Precipice Fantasy Part. I



Koudlam, Pan European Recording

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