[Critique] “National Sport”, Hugo Blouin

Five years after the success of Charbonneau or values ​​in the right place (Jazz album of the year at the GAMIQ, Jazz concert of the year at the Gala des prix OPUS), a work inspired by the hearings of the commission of the same name, composer and double bassist Hugo Blouin adapts his concept to the world of hockey In National sport. As in the previous project, the text of the compositions is drawn directly from the archives of its subject, the voice of Julie Hamelin embodying it when it is not sampled — as in God Is Canadianwith the saxophone reproducing the prosody of the voice of the descriptor of this game of the Series of the Century (1972), or when the animators burst with joy after the goal of the hockey player Marie-Philip Poulin in The goal. The concept, fortunately, does not overwhelm the work of the musicians, who manage to express themselves in several instrumental passages of the album – let us simply underline the touch of Jonathan Turgeon, whose organ recalls the heights of the Forum. A balm on the hearts of Canadian fans deprived of Stanley Cup series games this year.

Click here for an excerpt.

National sport

★★★ 1/2


Hugo Blouin, Multiple Chord Music

To see in video

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