[Critique] “It’s Only a Little Loneliness”, David Myles

This is his fifteenth album in 17 years. Not even 17 years old, to tell the truth: the disease almost took away David Myles in 2018, and the COVID could have ruined his career in the same movement. Finally, the forced hiatus will have been good: the singer-songwriter who was scattered in all genres (jazz fusion, neo-rockabilly, French song, folk, country, instrumental music) took the time to settle down questions and answer them. David Myles the hyperactive, slowed down by life, has found himself. Not so much in the music, folk-jazz in the broad sense, but in the subject. To skill was added a sense of seriousness. Nothing is eluded: what there is or is not after death in mysterythe measure of what the tall, wiry fellow could have lost in the very beautiful If I Lost You (sung with Breagh Isabel), and what the time spent going up the slope will have made it possible to understand. Namely that even an only child in a hurry to do everything with everyone must accept a share of loneliness.

It’s Only a Little Loneliness

★★★ 1/2


David Myles, Little Tiny Records

To see in video

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