[Critique] In the slums of Montreal with “La dump”

Make a wish for peace on Earth… then see all men disappear! This is the daring subject of the first episode of the new season of The dump, a village of unloved puppets located in the sewers of Montreal. Each one more eccentric and stereotyped than the next, these puppets with the voices of Quebec comedians are repugnant with their stupidity, which proves to be a powerful vehicle for societal criticism.

Seemingly silly, the puppets turn out to hold subversive remarks on a wide range of very current themes closer to a South Park Quebec than a Master key or a Bobino. The disclaimer at the beginning of the episode makes it clear: “This program may contain politically charged language, saucy language and puppet ‘nudity’ (Oh nice!). »

In each of the episodes — which have doubled in length since the first season — a Quebec celebrity appears for an absurd phone call. Apart from this aside, at first glance, not necessary in the real world, almost all of the scenes take place on green screens processed in post-production, thus opening up the universe of possibilities for visual effects.

After being delayed for a year, due to the pandemic, the second season of the web series by Maude Morissette is finally seeing the light of day with puppets who are not afraid (as globular as they are). popular culture satire, The dump once again succeeds in his bet with a caustic humor that disturbs deliciously.

The dump

Season 2 online on Facebook, YouTube, IGTV and TikTok, starting August 2. To see or review season 1: dump.show

To see in video

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