[Critique] “I’m Not Crying, You’re Crying”, Whitehorse

Go through January unscathed? Get healthy again? Prescribe this album, to consume morning, noon and evening. Renewable prescription. It is the eighth of the Ontario-Nashvillian tandem, the most resolutely country of its course in the North American region (which passes through rockabilly, black pop, R&B, blues). Think Dolly Parton and Porter Wagoner, but also Emmylou Harris and Gram Parsons. That territory. In three words: Heartbreak in STEREO. It’s displayed at the bottom of the cover. Label tear quality. The 12 proposed duets are duels (Scared of Each Other, Leave Me As You Found Me, Division 5, what titles!), domestic scenes given in delightfully combative melodies and desperately coiled harmonies: the couple is at stake, there is no quarter. Unsheathed guitars, outlaw stories, it pulls left and right: Luke Doucet and Melissa McClelland have fun playing everything in this way. ” Baby, I will bet the farm on you ” : nothing less.

Click here for an excerpt.

I’m Not Crying, You’re Crying

★★★★ 1/2


Whitehorse, Six Shooter Records

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