[Critique] «III», Ayrad | The duty

Mixed-race rock band Ayrad heads into festival season with new ammunition. The ten songs from his third album will wreak havoc on outdoor stages — well, nine of the ten: Eden, the only song in French on the album, falls a little flat, with its electronic samba rhythm. The rest ? Bombs of rock and funk with powerful brass orchestrations, propelled by the darbouka and references to popular Moroccan styles (chaâbi, reggada, raï), where the excellent singer Hamza Abouabdelmajid comes from. talk in the opening sets the tone, the electric guitar tearing up the intro before the arrival of the Arab violins. Semhouli then combines North Africa with Latin America, just before the explosive funk-rock of Money and, a little further on, the hard rock of Basta. Ya Dounya is cast in the same mold as the great success Ya Rayah popularized by the late Rachid Taha. To see for free on June 30 at the Montreal International Jazz Festival, and everywhere else in the province until the end of the summer.

Click here for an excerpt.


★★★ 1/2


Ayrad, Coop Counterfeiters

To see in video

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