[Critique humour] With “Impolite”, Mariana Mazza reiterates her total freedom

Five and a half years later Woman shut upMariana Mazza unveiled Tuesday evening, at the Olympia, in front of an audience of media and personalities, her second solo show: impolite. In a red satin two-piece, which she herself will call pajamas, her head surmounted by two buns, also red, the cheeky beauty appeared in the center of a luminous pyramid, like a star of popular music in the height of his glory.

From the outset, the 31-year-old comedian, having nevertheless won the Olivier of the Year 2022, admits that she felt worried when reading the reviews of her colleagues’ recent shows: “Phil Roy, more mature than ever. », « Virginie Fortin, brilliant. Since when do comedians compete for the Nobel Prize? Since when does humor have to save the world? ” I’m afraid ! A confession that sets the tone: Over the next 90 minutes, expect the franchise to trump everything else.

Mazza is not as vulgar as one would like to believe. Not as bad as claimed. Not as tough as she lets on. Remember that his show is subtitled “Forgive me if I love you”, a borrowing from a song by Claude Barzotti! No doubt, there is sweetness, tenderness and even a form of wisdom in the comedian. After all, the subject around which she embroiders so skilfully, since her beginnings, her real favorite theme, is self-esteem. “You love me as I am! she repeats, a bit incredulous and very grateful.

Without detour

By talking freely about vaginal and anal penetration, but also about defecation, itching, odors, pain, roundness and hairiness, calling things by their name, expressing limits and discomforts, celebrating pleasures , young and old, the comedian does a job of demystification, de-dramatization and de-stigmatization that does a world of good. Whether she takes us to a strip club or a Backstreet Boys concert in Las Vegas, she always tackles the issue of women’s bodies head-on.

In places, especially when we are in the territory of sexual roles, the comedian flirts with clichés, letting out old-fashioned jokes that clash. Fortunately, there are many more times when his originality takes over. When she recounts her interactions with the public, during and after her shows, or her painful experiences as a columnist on TV and radio, without forgetting her colorful trip to Greece and Italy with her mother, Mariana Mazza appears in all her humanity, cheerfully rude and devilishly endearing.


By Mariana Mazza. At Salle Albert-Rousseau (Québec) from April 28 to 30. At the Olympia (Montreal) May 26 and 27, then September 23 and 24. On tour across the province until May 2023.

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