[Critique] “Elusive: The Tom Dawes Jingle Workshop”, Tom Dawes

Tom Dawes? A genius melodist. A more than gifted multi-instrumentalist. From his years with the trio then quartet The Cyrkle, posterity has only remembered two chart successes. Yet, as with the Beatles or the Bee Gees, the band’s entire output is a soft-pop marvel, including the plot of the butt film. The Minx. No such thing as a job to exercise your know-how. Dawes, tired of toiling in vain, naturally turned to lucrative anonymity: creating jingles for advertising. The incredibly catchy tune of 7-Up: The Uncola is his. Between 1968 and 1973, he multiplied the delicious little sugar cubes, raising the minute or the 30 seconds to the rank of art, contributing to the success of products as varied as the Camaro, the Murine drops, the Purina croquettes, the Yardley perfume. The 56 titles collected here (survivors!) can be listened to perfectly without images. The product no longer counts, and Tom Dawes, who died in 2007, finally triumphs in his own name.

Elusive: The Tom Dawes Jingle Workshop

★★★★ 1/2


Tom Dawes, Modern Harmonics

To see in video

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