[Critique] “Blackwater VI. Rain”, Michael McDowell

After two rather high-sounding volumes, Blackwater revives its gothic nature and ends in a twilight atmosphere full of emotion. Thus, terrifying specters lead the elders of the Caskeys to a violent death: “The bedroom door gave way suddenly. Zaddie and Billy barely had time to see Mary Love and John Robert, pale, livid, dead. What’s more, the chilling prophecies of the previous books are coming to fruition. Fifty years have passed since Elinor arrived in Perdido, Alabama. As her granddaughters Nerita and Lilah respectively follow in the footsteps of Frances, who returned to black water, and Miriam, who lives on black gold, Elinor resignedly prepares to leave this world behind. As for the reader, who will treasure the collection with pretty embossed covers, it is with regret that he leaves this dark universe dominated by strong and progressive women where Michael McDowell skilfully handles humor, horror and fantasy.

Blackwater, Volume VI Rain

★★★ 1/2

Michael McDowell, translated from English by Yoko Lacour with Hélène Charrier, Alto, Quebec, 2022, 272 pages

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