[Critique] “A fierce roar”, Léa Arthemise

Third novel by Léa Arthemise (geometry questionLiana Levi, 2016), A fierce growl is confusing to say the least. Dedicated to Dany Longo, unpredictable heroine of The lady in the car with goggles and a gun (Denoël, 1966), by Sébastien Japrisot, this labyrinthine tale flirting with crime fiction and the historical novel is told from the point of view of a narrator with a fertile imagination. While recounting the life of her friend Mia Clark, an enigmatic author who disappeared near the Rosemont-Van Horne viaduct, she weaves links between the fates of the character of the best-selling novel at the premiere and that of William Van Horne. “Nostalgia is a recurring motif in A fierce growl, as well as in your personal stories, to Mia and to you, William. As the reader lets himself be gently led through this novel with drawers, where the border between reality and fiction is porous, Léa Arthemise picks up the pace, multiplies the clues and holds him captive until the dazzling finale.

A fierce growl

★★★ 1/2

Léa Arthemise, Heliotrope, Montreal, 2023, 230 pages

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