“Critics? I don’t care!” Emmanuel Macron assumes the “embarrassing” videos with the Blues

Did Emmanuel Macron put himself too much forward during this World Cup in Qatar? The chained Duck the question arises this Wednesday, December 21 in its columns and even quotes a minister who believes that during the World Cup final, which opposed France to Argentina, both in the stands and on the grass: “Macron in fact crates”.

“Critics? I don’t care!”

And to add:On the one hand, it calls for don’t politicize sportand, on the other, he plays the coachgoes down on the field and in the locker room to hug the players, it’s nonsense!

Faced with the haters, who criticized him for sticking a little too much to a Kylian Mbappé who seemed to want to be left in peace, Emmanuel Macron would have replied: “I have always vibrated for sport and supported athletes. The critics ? I don’t care!” And to add:I know that some found me too present. But I only did my job. It was my job to be there, to comfort the players and the manager.

>> See also: 2022 World Cup: Emmanuel Macron makes a big mistake on Twitter … Internet users are having a blast!

Moreover, the one who thanked the men of Didier Deschamps for the dream and the pleasure they brought to the French who have “much needed“, estimated that “all the French people wanted to do the same thing as me, to comfort the loserswhich had not been unworthy.

He’s like that, it’s his nature

For his part, an Elysée adviser also responded to criticism by defending: “He’s like that, it’s his nature“. We remember the snapshot taken in Moscow in 2018, during the triumph of the Blues at the last World Cup, which had been repeated on social networks. For this relative, the president “was in empathy with the players. After the semi-finalwe alerted him to the criticisms which targeted his behavior in the locker room.” Brigitte Macron’s husband didn’t care.


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