Sometimes it’s all in the title. This is the case ofEtienne Dufresne makes effortswhich says exactly what awaits us in this second album from the singer-songwriter from Sherbrooke: a bittersweet diary in which each song is a new page.
Three years later Excalibur, which was fueled by a certain nostalgia, Etienne Dufresne delivers a work whose themes are much more anchored in the present. Lucid self-portrait that speaks of family – Two faceswhat a lovely song about his parents, Elizabethtribute groovy to his sister – and of loves that are not always successful, it tells the story of a man who tries to become better by learning to know himself better and to understand his relationship with others.
“ I’m making an effort, I don’t have much choice/I won’t wait until I’m dead/To find joy again »: Etienne Dufresne’s writing is limpid, and his vernacular poetry establishes from the start a proximity that is as reminiscent of Daniel Boucher (Canal Escape) that Beautiful Damage. In a song like the very beautiful, very sweet and very folk Well normalin which the author succeeds in capturing the moods of everyday life, the influences of the flagship group of the 1970s are well highlighted by the director Alexandre Martel – the choirs of Lou-Adriane Cassidy, the light drums, we there is.
With its hints of electronic sounds, its slightly nagging rhythm, its melodies that can be tamed, its folk that flirts with pop and the singer’s well-spoken voice, Etienne Dufresne makes efforts defends itself and is enjoyed from start to finish. From the excellent first song In my head to the last piece entitled THANKS – “ It’s so dark/Thank you for being there/When I’m trying » –, a nice nod to the title, it is clear: all these efforts will have been worth it.
Extract of Well normal

Etienne Dufresne makes efforts
Etienne Dufresne
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